Many foreign businessmen have in mind to conquer the American dream to grow their entrepreneurial projects. The United States presents itself as the ideal option for them to establish their businesses and grow their long-term assets.

When investing in the United States, you have to take into consideration several factors: planning, the capital that will be invested and, above all, the will and the entrepreneurial spirit. If you are an entrepreneur and you are thinking of growing economically in the American giant, in this article we will give you some tips and keys to invest in the USA.

Why is the US market attractive to investors?

There are 5 factors that make the United States the ideal destination for foreign investors to start their businesses:

  1. Earnings and income in dollars. This is the main reason why every entrepreneur puts the United States as the ideal option to start their business.
  2. Simplicity in the investment process. The mechanisms to invest in the US are easy and simple, without much paperwork, because the North American country encourages this type of habits in order to promote the emergence and development of businesses within its territory. The US legal system is transparent and predictable, thus facilitating foreign investment.
  3. Sustainability. The United States has had a sustained macroeconomic growth for 7 years; its annual growth rate is 2.1% in its Gross Domestic Product, which is the highest in the world (20.512 billion dollars).
  4. Diversification. Although the United States is a good place for real estate investment, there are other options for entrepreneurship, one of which is franchising. Among the items in which more is invested in the north is gastronomy, imports and services.
  5. Benefits of an investor visa. There are two types of visa for investors: the E2, precisely for investors and the E1 or foreign trade. The E2 visa allows foreign businessmen and their families to live and work legally within US territory. Meanwhile, the E1 visa is used to obtain a work visa for the purpose of directing or developing profitable United States businesses around the customs trade. For this, the condition that is demanded is that the investor is from a country with which the US has an agreement of this style. In Latin America, countries such as Argentina, Colombia and Chile have this agreement, so it is easier for investors from these countries to obtain this visa.

Tips for investing in the USA

If you are thinking about starting a business in the United States and growing personally and professionally, you should ask yourself several questions: what are your objectives? What is your budget? What kind of business do you want to undertake in the US? These 5 tips will help you achieve your goal and become a successful entrepreneur in a demanding and competitive market like the North American:

  1. Think of a plan A and a plan B. When investing in the US you should consider the wide range of business opportunities that exist; in the same way you can choose to diversify your ventures and investments in different areas of the market. Seek the advice of a consultant or site specialized in helping investors, so that you know and verify the possible options to invest.
  2. Be part of the world of franchising. According to the statistics, the percentage of independent businesses that cease to operate after the first or second year of establishment in the US is more than 60%, either due to failures in business, market or financial knowledge. On the other hand, if you invest in franchises within the United States, according to the statistics, there are greater possibilities of generating a successful business, this because the franchises already have previous experience, training manuals, marketing planning and rules of how to train and attract the right personnel.
  3. Take risks. If you are in your productive years and want to do something different, take a chance. It is important that you have the necessary motivation to be able to undertake. To do this, you must evaluate the levels of investment, the risks associated with the business, choose your strategic allies and do the family planning that best suits you.
  4. Adapt to a new way of doing business. The world of franchising in the United States presents an innovative style of doing business and is governed by a system completely different from the rest of the countries. These can be your future endeavor and can guarantee you the success you desire.
  5. Look for advice to invest in the USA. If you are an investor and you need information and guidance on how to establish your business in the US, you have the advice of a consultant or a website specialized in helping people who want to invest in US territory.

With all these tips and recommendations, you already have an idea to start investing in the United States. Remember that in AML Compliance Corporation we have various services so that your future business functions correctly and remains free of irregularities such as money laundering and others.

Sources: & Public records and information